Welcome to the hive, the best place to Bee! Add any one of this assortment of plush Bees to join Bailey the busy Bee who always says Bee-lieve in yourself. Along with Grace the Grateful Bee who always wants to be the reason someone smiles today. Then name your own Bee and remember to Bee yourself; everyone else is already taken! Bee one of a kind!
They offer comfort, support and fun! These soft and squishy bodies make it perfect to be used as a couch companion, pillow pal, bedtime buddy, travel mate, or as a friend in times of need, take these jumbo plush bee on all your adventures.
Available in 3 designs:
Bee Brave ? Bailey the busy Bee says, always Bee-lieve in yourself.
Bee Grateful ? Grace - Bee the reason someone smiles today.
Bee Yourself ? Bee yourself; everyone else is already taken!
Bee Brave: Bailey has a heart of gold that matches his wings and he always works part of a team. He loves to play with his friends in the garden and smell the flowers. Bailey says, always Bee-lieve in yourself.
Material: Polyester, Elastane
Product size: L62*W25*H28cm