BIC has been making the most affordable, top-quality writing instruments since the 1950s. Whether at home, school or the office, the BIC Evolution Fluo graphite pencil is a modern classic built for tons of different uses, plus it comes with barrels in a range of eye-catching fluorescent colours. Choose from orange, pink, green or yellow – they all have the same stylish black band on the head. A really tough pencil with extra-hard HB lead for shock-resistant writing, drawing, sketching and more.
-Easy to hold. BIC Evolution Fluo graphite drawing pencil stays put for even-handed control
-A kaleidoscope of pencil bodies in 4 zesty fluorescent colours to make writing fun. Choose from orange, pink, green, or yellow
-Super durable woodless pencils made with synthetic resin. If they ever break, no splinters. Just resharpen and keep going