Chobani Plain 05 Fat Greek Yogurt Delight your tastebuds with this perfectly rich and tangy Chobani lowfat Greek Yogurt Perfect on its own or paired with your favourite muesli
With over 16 grams of natural protein in every pot this is a great versatile lowfat greek yogurt that can be used as a healthy ingredient in cooking as a topping or served with fruit
At Chobani we believe yogurt should be simple just milk and cultures which we strain using a centuriesold authentic process to make it deliciously thick It takes 3 cups of milk to make 1 cup of Chobani Yogurt which is why its so creamy and packed with protein
No preservatives artificial colours or flavours
High in natural protein
Quantities stated above are averages only. Further nutrition information may
be displayed on the product label.
< means Less Than.
- means that the value is not available.