Proudly Still in Australian Hands
Darrell Lea has been making Australia's finest chocolates, freshest liquorice and most delectable, confectionery since 1927.
Our most famous invention is soft-eating liquorice that we invented in a small factory under the icon arches of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
We're immensely proud that we're still 100% Australian-owned and 100% Australian loved.
Loved by Aussie Mums and Dads and Nanas and Grandpas and lots of little kids all across the country.
Lea Legends #2:
Sneaky little liquorice gnomes
Many people assume that Darrell Lea had so many garden gnomes because he loved little cooked hats and small beards. What a silly note.
His real passion was creating copious amounts of the famous Darrell Lea Bullet (much to his mother's annoyance). Solution? Hiding them in his little gnomes, a fact Mrs Lea never discovered. Though she did wonder why he spent so much time in the garden.
Quantities stated above are averages only. Further nutrition information may
be displayed on the product label.
< means Less Than.
- means that the value is not available.